IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) is the international honor society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Founded in 1904 at the University of Illinois, it merged with IEEE in 2010. HKN membership is a lifelong designation for individuals who have excelled in fields like electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science. With over 260 collegiate chapters worldwide and 200,000+ members, HKN encourages and recognizes excellence in education, professional practice, and meritorious work within IEEE’s designated fields of interest. Scroll through the page to learn about HKN’s history and how you can join in the celebration of our 120th Anniversary!
Attend our special 120th Anniversary Virtual Fireside Chat!
On 28 October 2024 at 2:00pm ET, celebrate our special Founders Day by learning the inside story of how the internet was created from two of its earliest innovators, Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn, both IEEE Medal of Honor recipients and IEEE-HKN Eminent Members, and how creativity and collaboration can lead to humanity’s biggest technological advances. Make a day of it by join us at noon to learn the results of our first ever Hackathon and stay for a special networking session at 3:00 PM EST, you won’t want to miss it! Register today.

Here are some more ways you can celebrate 120 years with us!
About HKN's History
- Visit the HKN Engineering & Technology History Wiki
- Share the IEEE-HKN Showcase video and the What is IEEE-HKN Presentation
- Watch the 2021 Founders Day Video Contest playlist on our YouTube Channel
About Your Chapter's History
- Talk to your Department Chair & Faculty Advisor
- Look into the history of your Department
- Contact Chapter Alumni
- See if there are any Eminent Members from your University
- Update your Chapter Page with any new information you uncover!
Key Chapter Recognition
- A Founders Day activity is one of the optional Chapter Engagement components of earning Key Chapter recognition
- Please submit a post-Founders Day Activity Report on or before 1 December 2024 to have this count toward Key Chapter recognition for the 2024-2025 reporting year
Order Your Founder's Day Kits!
Use our swag for your Founders Day Event. Deadline to order is 1 October and you can expect your kits during the month of October. Only one kit per Chapter.
Since its founding, IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu has always been growing and expanding. The power IEEE-HKN programs and the impact our students and Chapter have on their communities is inspiring! On October 28, IEEE-HKN celebrates 120 years!
A few impressive facts:
- Each year, over 3,000 students take the oath of scholarship, character and attitude.
- 98 of the Top 100 Engineering schools in the USA have Eta Kappa Nu Chapters.
- There are 46,000+ active Alumni/Professional members of Eta Kappa Nu.
- 279 Chapter Worldwide!
- Each year, HKN students provide over 100,000 hours of service to their universities and communities.
What is behind this impressive growth? The community of like-minded people who embody Scholarship-Character-Attitude in IEEE fields of interest all dedicated to elevating the next generation of engineering leaders to serve humanity. This includes our students, faculty advisors, department heads, volunteers, alumni, professional members, sponsors, donors–the list goes on and on. In the words of our founder, Maurice Carr, ““Eta Kappa Nu grew because there have always been many members who have been willing and eager to serve it loyally and unselfishly” We look forward to our next 120 years!