Thank you to Asad, Taj and Jamal Madni for establishing an HKN Scholarship Award which will benefit IEEE-HKN members! Dr. Asad Madni and his family are great friends of IEEE-HKN and inaugurated the Asad M. Madni Outstanding Technical Achieve and Excellence Award. Dr. Asad M. Madni is an IEEE-HKN Eminent Member and recipient of the HKN Vladimar Karapatoff Achievement Award and the IEEE Medal of Honor.

The IEEE-HKN Madni Family Scholarship is awarded to HKN students who show exceptional scholarship, service to their communities, and a commitment to HKN. Each year, up to 3 qualified undergraduate students and up to two qualified graduate students may be chosen as recipients of this prestigious scholarship. The amount of the scholarship is $1,000 and may be used to help offset school expenses such as tuition, books, and student fees. The annual selection of scholarship recipients will be administered by IEEE-HKN.


Scholarship Candidate must:

      • Be a U.S. citizen
      • Be enrolled as a full-time student in electrical engineering or related field at an
        accredited university or college and inside the U.S. (no distance-learning or on-line
        course students are eligible)
      • Be an inducted member of IEEE-HKN
      • Have completed their third year in an IEEE-HKN field of interest at an active IEEE-HKN Chapter.

Scholarship Application

Students who meet the criteria can apply using the scholarship application.

To have a complete application, students need to provide a minimum of two referral letters, maximum of five referral letters from individuals who are qualified to evaluate the applicant’s academic accomplishments (e.g.,professor, administrator, employer, internship organization) and an unofficial transcript.

Basis for judging

– Scholastic performance, Service to the community, Service to IEEE-HKN
-Evidence from referral letters attesting to the applicants academic accomplishments


– Scholastic performance, Service to the community, Service to IEEE-HKN
-Evidence from referral letters attesting to the applicants academic accomplishments
– Publications and Impact of Research

Scholarship Schedule

  • Deadline for submission of applications: May 5
  • Deadline for results from Selection Committee: May 20
  • Approval from the HKN Awards Committee: May 31
  • Approval by the HKN Board of Governors: June meeting
  • Communication to scholarship recipient: July 15
  • Announcement of recipient(s): July 30
  • Presentation or acknowledgements to the recipients at the annual IEEE-HKN Student
    Leadership Conference (travel expenses are not covered)

Selection Committee

The IEEE-HKN Scholarship Selection Committee (Selection Committee) will consist of a minimum of three to maximum of five members from IEEE-HKN, including the Committee Chair.  The Committee Chair will be appointed by the IEEE-HKN President and will serve no longer than four years.  The remaining members will be selected by the Committee Chair and will be subject to the approval of the IEEE-HKN Board of Governors.


The Selection Committee will submit the results of its evaluation to the IEEE-HKN Awards and Recognition Committee for review and evaluation.  If the IEEE-HKN Awards and Recognition Committee concur with the recommendation of the Selection Committee, the recommendation will be presented to the IEEE-HKN Board of Governors.


The Scholarships may be awarded annually.  To ensure that the Scholarship is presented to an appropriately qualified recipient and to maintain the intent of the Scholarship, the award may not be presented every year, if in the judgment of the Selection Committee, qualified applicants are not identified.

Scholarship Recipients

The Asad, Gowhartaj, and Jamal Madni Scholarship was established in 2023 to nurture and recognize excellence in undergraduate and graduate HKN students through assistance with educational expenses. Inaugural scholarships presented in 2024.

2024      Benjamin Nguyen, Iota Phi Chapter at United States Military Academy, Undergraduate

2024     Laura Floyd, Mu Rho Chapter at Valparaiso University, Undergraduate

2024      Hannaneh Hojaiji, Iota Gamma Chapter at University of California, Los Angeles, Graduate

2024      India Elkhazin, Zeta Lambda Chapter at Prairie View A&M University, Graduate