IEEE-HKN Alumni & Professionals
IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) is a lifetime designation. Once inducted into IEEE-HKN, you carry all of the rights and privileges of IEEE-HKN and can identify yourself as IEEE-HKN forever. After graduation, IEEE-HKN members continue their involvement through their own university chapter (or any local chapter) as graduate students, Ph.D. candidates, or as professionals volunteering for IEEE-HKN activities. IEEE-HKN offers Alumni and Professional members many opportunities to learn, grow, and contribute, long after graduation.
Your Support Makes A Difference
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to force changes to our operations and programming, IEEE-HKN has more work to do to respond to the challenges and create the best environment for the leaders of tomorrow.
Won’t you help us? Donate now to help us fill the budget gap left by the pandemic.
We thank you for your support!
New Digital Badge

Download our new Alumni badge and add it to your social media profiles.
“I sincerely promise that I will live up to… in word and in deed…
the principles for which IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu stands…
To the members now and to those to come after…
I bind myself to the faithful observance of these promises…
I give my solemn word of honor.”
As a lifetime member of HKN, we invite you to be a part of the society’s success!
Volunteer Opportunities
There are a number of options for you depending on your schedule, location and passion, including:
- Serving on one of IEEE-HKN’s committees
Alumni are also encouraged to serve on the IEEE-HKN Board of Governors. Nominations are due on 1 June. Learn more about the Board of Governors and the election process.
To volunteer in any capacity, contact IEEE-HKN Headquarters or check out your local IEEE-HKN chapter.
Alumni wishing to support the society financially may do so through the HKN funds operated in cooperation with the IEEE Foundation (a 501(c)3 registered charitable organization). Please consider supporting the future generations of IEEE-HKN by leaving a legacy gift, supplementing annual operational needs, or donating to a specific program.
Alumni Reconnect
Has it been a while since we last heard from you?
That’s okay…Once IEEE-HKN, Always IEEE-HKN!
Members and alumni may use the IEEE website to update their membership data. At a minimum, always include a current email address in the data, as IEEE-HKN members will receive communication primarily through this channel.
As an alternative, you can complete the Alumni Reconnect form and IEEE-HKN Headquarters will confirm your membership and update your record.
If you have lost your membership certificate, you can order a replacement online.
Note: If you are an IEEE member, your HKN/IEEE-HKN status should be noted on your IEEE membership card. However, the IEEE-HKN designation cannot be added online. Please email IEEE-HKN Headquarters and include your chapter, approximate induction date, the name under which you were inducted, and your IEEE number. IEEE-HKN Headquarters will confirm your membership and update your record.
Alumni are strongly encouraged to add IEEE-HKN to their CV, bio, author notes and/or social media profiles. The proper way to display your Eta Kappa Nu status on your resume, bio, or CV is:
• (If inducted before 2010) Eta Kappa Nu (or HKN) inducted xx/xx/xxxx , XXXXX chapter (or)
• (If inducted after 2010) IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (or IEEE-HKN) inducted xx/xx/xxx, XXXXX chapter
Post-merger with IEEE, all students who are inducted as IEEE-HKN students are IEEE student members. To be considered active in IEEE-HKN, one must be a member in good standing of IEEE.