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IEEE Eta Kappa Nu

University of Maine, Delta Kappa

Delta Kappa

The University of Maine Delta Kappa presides in Barrows Hall, were the society works alongside the student IEEE branch to assist in tutoring and involvement in IEEE scheduled events, talks, and technical workshops. The chapter is also active in mentoring, working with professors to coordinate meaningful academic and professional relationships with underclassman. The honors society also is an active participant as a volunteering organization during Maine Day, which is a day set aside for beautifying the UMaine campus. The organization also holds a spring mixer, inviting past, current, and new HKN inductees to network and receive valuable face to face experiences with people in their respective field, who uphold similar values and principles.

Region 1: Northeastern USA

Section: Orono, ME (Maine)

Founding Date: May 12, 1961

Update Now

Last Updated: 04/11/2023


Barrows Hall is the center for Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Maine. The building houses numerous undergraduate labs focused for the undergraduate Electrical and Computer Engineering curriculum, as well as LASST, which is the UMaine Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology. Barrows Hall has a history of housing cutting edge technological research, as well as fostering education for people like Edward Lawry Norton, who was the founder of Norton’s Theory regarding simplification of electrical circuit analysis.

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HKN at UMaine provides underclassmen with the mentors they need to become successful, and to capitalize upon their potential before entering a professional environment.

Nicholas Aiken

A Showcase of Innovation and Skill Development: HKN’s First-Ever Graduate Research Pitch Competition

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This fall, IEEE-HKN held its first-ever Graduate Student Research Pitch Competition, an open event to provide researchers with a platform to hone their presentation skills. Participants had the unique opportunity to present their ideas to a panel of experienced researchers…

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