IEEE-HKN is actively seeking nominations for the 2021 IEEE-HKN Awards program and encourages members to nominate eligible candidates. Nominations are being accepted now for the following awards: Asad M. Madni Outstanding Technical Achievement and Excellence Award Distinguished Service Award C….
Join us at 12:00 p.m. (ET) this Thursday, 25 March to learn about the research being done at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the career paths our panelists have taken and how their work and team approach are solving world issues….
IEEE-HKN has launched a Successful Practices Database, and we need your help! This resource will provide Chapters with new activity ideas and showcase the great work our Chapters perform. We currently are seeking volunteers to review Chapter Activity Reports. The…
CELEBRATING WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH In 1947, the Beta Beta Chapter at Polytechnic University in Brooklyn, NY inducted Ruth Gruenfelder Koppel as its first ever female member. It turns out, Ruth was not only the first woman HKN member at Beta…

Live Online Event! 5 June 2021 at 2:00 PM (ET) Let’s celebrate the IEEE-HKN Class of 2021! All are invited to attend the event, which will include a virtual procession of the members of the Class 2021, the presentation of the…

Timothy Kane, Faculty Advisor for the Epsilon Chapter at Pennsylvania State University, shared photos of the Chapter Charter (dating back to 1909) and the Chapter Signature book, which is being protected by a Nittany Lion. Tim welcomes Epsilon alums to…

Gamma Theta, Missouri S&T Former National President, National Vice President and Member of the National Board of Directors of HKN Professor Emeritus, Missouri State University, Retired 2016 The Other Side of the Mirror: Observations in Passing from a Student Member to…