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IEEE Eta Kappa Nu

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Beta Chapter’s New Student Lounge: A Fresh Start

By October 15, 2024 No Comments

We are thrilled to announce the grand opening and rededication of Beta Chapter’s new student lounge! Previously tucked away in the basement, this beloved lounge was a place where students could hang out, do school work, play games, and even enjoy a cafe. Now, they’ve moved to a fantastic new location out of the basement! 

On September 19th, HKN Beta Chapter students, advisors, department heads, and alumni gathered to celebrate this exciting milestone. IEEE-HKN Governor and Beta Chapter Alumnus John McDonald was at the celebration. The event was made even sweeter with a delicious 120th anniversary cake. 

This new space is more than just a lounge. It’s a symbol of growth, community, and their commitment to providing a supportive and enjoyable environment for Purdue students. Can you spot all the Outstanding Chapter Award plaques they have on display?

The lounge renovations and new equipment was made possible by a bequest from Don Heirman to his beloved Beta Chapter. Here’s to new beginnings and many more memories to be made in their new student lounge! 

Are you HKN?  If you were ever inducted into HKN, you are always HKN, Reconnect with us.


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