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IEEE Eta Kappa Nu

Alumni Newsletter

Volunteers Wanted! Help Us Build Our Successful Practices Database

By March 1, 2021 No Comments

IEEE-HKN has launched a Successful Practices Database, and we need your help!

This resource will provide Chapters with new activity ideas and showcase the great work our Chapters perform.

We currently are seeking volunteers to review Chapter Activity Reports. The time commitment is low, as each reviewer will be given 15 to 20 reports submitted by our Chapters. Volunteers will be asked to review, format and write a description for each activity by aggregating the event description and the post event report.

Reviewers also will be asked to assign activity types (webinar, tech talk, etc.), and to review/edit the activity tags (educational, service, technical, etc.) to improve searchability. Volunteers will receive an instruction sheet and a Google sheet template.

After an initial assignment is complete, each volunteer has the option to request more activities to review. A full job description can be found here.

If you would like to assist us in this new and exciting project, please fill out this form.

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