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IEEE Eta Kappa Nu


IEEE Technology Time Machine 2018

By September 17, 2018 No Comments

IEEE Technology Time Machine 2018

The IEEE Technology Time Machine 2018 (TTM 2018) conference will offer attendees from research and industry innovative insights from top executives and pioneers regarding the impact of future technologies on business and industry, society and everyday life, ethics, and policy. Through interactive participation and stimulating panels, TTM 2018 will provide critical information on technological advances to help guide current and future decisions on use and implementation of these technologies Beyond Tomorrow. Speakers and attendees will network and learn from each other through synergies across technologies in industry, academia, and government, including in the areas of augmented and virtual reality, agriculture, neuroscience, robotics, technology entrepreneurism, and more. Get ready to be inspired and innovate your future at TTM 2018.

 Learn about future trends in technologies during the next 30 years focusing on:


  • Agricultural Food Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence & Ethics
  • Autonomous Vehicles & Systems
  • Biological Neuroprosthetics
  • Blockchain
  • Cybersecurity
  • Green Communications
  • Mixed Reality
  • Programmable Genomics
  • Quantum Computing
  • Social Implications of Technology
  • Women in Engineering


The panels will feature dynamic speakers from industry, academia, and government, including: Dolby Laboratories, AT&T, Paradromics, University of Southern California, University of Leeds, Washington & Lee University, HardTech Labs, g.tec, AgShift, Xerox, Xmark Labs, GHPi, IBM, Oracle, Tracy, Meta, Johnson & Johnson, Michigan State University, and College of Charleston.

 Network with attendees from academia, government, and industry.

Be inspired by the Distinguished Experts Panel comprising experts in communications and networks, green ICT, engineering ethics and more. Other speakers at TTM 2018 are renowned in the areas of neuroscience, autonomous vehicles, engineering ethics, the agricultural industry, and more.

Spark your passion listening to innovative women role models during the Women Making the Future Panel.

Discover invaluable insight from young entrepreneurs during the Young Entrepreneurs and N3XT Panel.

Cultivate relationships with other HKN members through the Ignite with a Twist talks


Enjoy two conference days at a discount!
HKN Student Members – $75:  Use code HKNSTUDENT

Take the first step towards your future career – register for IEEE Technology Time Machine 2018 today!

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