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IEEE Eta Kappa Nu

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023 ⋅ 6pm – 7pm (Eastern Time – New York)

Are you interested in getting a job in academia but are unsure what its like? Join Professor and ECE Chair of University of South Alabama Hulya Kirkici on July 26th at 6pm ET over zoom as she demystifies the process of pursuing a career and thriving in the academic world outside of your graduate program. During this live GradLab session, Dr. Kirkici will cover what’s special about a career in academia, how to break into the academic world, tip and tricks for navigating academic interviews and insights from her 30+ years of experiences in academia. Register today to be part of our live Q&A session after the webinar! Check out our previous episodes of GradLab on the HKN YouTube channel to gain more tips and perspectives to succeed in your grad school career: GradLab Playlist

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