Texas A & M University – Kingsville, Zeta Beta Chapter
HKN Missions:
Eta Kappa Nu is a unique membership organization dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the electrical and computer engineering fields. Members consist of students, alumni, and other professionals who have demonstrated exceptional academic and professional accomplishments. Student members are selected on the basis of scholastic standing, character, and leadership. Through a variety of service programs and leadership training, student members develop lifelong skills that earmark them for prominent positions in industry and academia. Members are much better prepared for the post-college world and are especially valuable and attractive to employers. They are recognized as extremely capable, both technically and professionally.
After graduation, members continue their HKN involvement through their university chapters, volunteering for HKN committees and receiving information on HKN activities.
To further recognize excellence, HKN conducts award programs to recognize professional leaders, exceptional educators, outstanding students, young ECE professionals, outstanding chapters, and effective faculty advisors.
For more than 100 years, Eta Kappa Nu has embraced excellence. In the years ahead, HKN will continue to reinvent itself to meet the needs of its 200,000+ members, the institutions they serve, and our overall society.