Florida International University, Kappa Delta Chapter

The Kappa Delta chapter of Eta Kappa Nu was founded at FIU in 1994. Our goal is to provide a platform for our members to network with professionals and peers that excel in their respective fields. Additionally, we want to provide students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with various projects that are not performed in a traditional classroom. Workshops and resources provided span across topics such as software, IoT, robotics, aerospace, and energy sectors.



Region 3: Southern USA

Section: Miami, FL (Miami)

Founding Date: April 3, 1992

Update Now

Last Updated: 9/8/2022

Miami Florida
Florida International University was founded in 1969 on what was originally an abandoned airfield. It’s opening in 1972 had an enrollment of 5,667 students and resulted in the largest opening enrollment in U.S. collegiate history. Today, FIU is Miami’s public research university and a Top-50 public university. The university has two main campus and several centers across South Florida.One of FIU’s center is the Engineering Center, headquarters of the College of Engineering and Computing. The 40-acre facility is home to nearly all of the engineering courses and holds 25 state-of-the-art research facilities, including research centers, institutes and laboratories.

what chapter members are saying

IEEE - HKN has opened up so many doors for me

Haris Shaikh