Clarkson University, Gamma Gamma Chapter

The Clarkson University Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu is the Gamma Gamma Chapter, an honor society that represents Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Software Engineering.



Region 1: Northeastern USA

Section: Mohawk Valley

Founding Date: April 29, 1950

Update Now

Last Update: 5/14/2024

Potsdam, New York

A small town set in the foot hills of the Adirondack Mountains in Upper New York State, other wise know as the north country area. With ideal natural scenes throughout the seasons, that give the local region many beautiful days. Since we are right on the border with Canada, it makes it easy to take trips to Montreal and other places in Canada

Chapter Photos

what chapter members are saying

Joining the IEEE-HKN has been a wonderful experience of meeting like minded individuals, that have helped me shaped my future at College and beyond

Austin Green

Our chapter of IEEE-HKN is happy to host review sessions for all underclassmen ECE classes at Clarkson!
