Arizona State University, Epsilon Beta Chapter
Eta Kappa Nu is the International Honor Society for Electrical and Computer Engineers (as of 2011, Biomedical Engineers were also added to Eta Kappa Nu). Outstanding students are elected to Eta Kappa Nu from the sophomore, junior, and senior classes of an accredited undergraduate program as well as graduate students.
Eligibility is based on scholarship, personal character, voluntary services, and distinguished accomplishments. HKN considers these as indicators of success in his or her profession. We hope to support our members through networking events, peer support, and professional presentations. This things will encourage members to further their careers and education.
Epsilon Beta Chapter is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in all endeavors.
At Arizona State University, you’ll join a community that will help you explore your interests and learn new skills. Through quality academics, enrichment opportunities, and support from friends and faculty, you’ll graduate prepared to accomplish your goals throughout your life.