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IEEE Eta Kappa Nu

Alumni Newsletter

HKN Gamma Kappa Alum Shares “Key” Advice with New Chapter, More Than 50 Years After His Induction

By September 1, 2021 No Comments

IEEE-HKN’s Nu Gamma Chapter, installed at The College of New Jersey on 15 November 2020, receives “key” advice from its Faculty Advisor, Alan Katz. Dr. Katz was initiated as a student in May 1963 into the Gamma Kappa Chapter at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, so he knows a thing or two about what it means to be HKN. He recently shared his excitement over advising the next generation of leading engineers. Pictured is Dr. Katz’s HKN Key, which he has kept since his student days. One component to Chapter success is a dedicated advisor. In addition to Faculty Advisors, many Chapters have mentors from industry, academia and their alumni ranks in advisory roles. If you would like to help your Chapter of initiation or a Chapter that is close to where you are now, contact us.

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