Wichita State University, Epsilon Xi Chapter
The Epsilon Xi chapter of IEEE- Eta Kappa Nu was established on May 22, 1966 at Wichita State University. We have been one of the most active organizations at Wichita State University (WSU), College of Engineering. IEEE-HKN Wichita State Chapter partnered with WSU Go Baby Go program in Summer 2016 in improving the ride-on car modification for children with disabilities. This project focuses on providing mobility to children under the age of five. EPICS in IEEE has approved a grant proposal by IEEE-HKN Epsilon Xi Chapter in enhancing the builds. Ever since, Epsilon Xi has been making a positive impact on may families. We also have had several outreach programs to make our community better.
We also focus heavily on impacting the lives of students belonging to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. We conduct workshops, technical seminars etc.,. We also honor outstanding undergraduates and graduates of WSU.