The overall governance of IEEE-HKN is the responsibility of the Board of Governors, a volunteer organization of IEEE-HKN members that have prominent positions in academia and industry. The Board consists of a president, president-elect, and past president, each of whom serves a one-year term. Regional Governors serve the IEEE-HKN’s geographic regions (now aligned with the IEEE Regions), and four at-large members each serve one three-year term. There is a pair of student governors who serve one-year terms.

The 2024 IEEE-HKN Board of Governors Election will include elections for each of the following positions:

  • President-Elect
  • Region 3-4 Governor
  • Governor At-Large
  • 2 Student Governors

Only Chapters located in Region 3 and 4 are eligible to vote for Region 3-4 Governor

Chapter Leaders: please scroll to bottom of page for additional information about voting.

President-Elect: Hulya Kirkici

Inducted: 1994 – Xi Chapter

Auburn University


Hulya Kirkici is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of South Alabama and has served as the ECE Department Chair from 2016 to 2024. Previously, Dr. Kirkici was a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Auburn University for over 25 years, a visiting scholar and a Faculty Fellow at the Air Force Research Laboratory, at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, and a visiting scientist/engineer at NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL.  She received B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics from Middle East Technical University, Turkey; and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Polytechnic University (currently NYU), NY.  Dr. Kirkici’s research interests include dielectrics and electrical insulation, high-frequency dielectric breakdown in space and aerospace vehicle power systems, and repetitive pulsed power.  She has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal and conference articles. She has been invited to give plenary and keynote talks nationally and internationally (Turkey, Japan, S. Korea, Australia, and China) by universities and industries/companies.

Dr. Kirkici is a Fellow of the IEEE, an eminent member of Tau Beta Pi, the Engineering Honor Society, a member of the IEEE Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Honor Society, Sigma Xi Scientific Honor Society, the American Physical Society (APS), and the American Association of University Women (AAUW)

Dr. Kirkici received the IEEE Eric O. Forster Distinguished Service Award, the IEEE William G. Dunbar Award, and the IEEE Sol Schneider Award. Dr. Kirkici is the President-Elect of the IEEE Transportation Electrification Council, a Senior Editor of IEEE Access (2021 – present), a Member of the IEEE Access Editorial Board (2024 – present), and a Member of the HKN Bridge Magazine Editorial Board (2020 – present).  She was the IEEE Vice President of Publications in 2019, a member of IEEE N&A Committee (2020-2022), a member of the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) of the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) (2022-2023), a Governor-at-Large Member of the IEEE-HKN Board (2021-2023), Member-At-Large of PSPB (2011 – 2016), Vice President-Technical Operation of the IEEE Sensors Council, and the President of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS) (2009-2010) among other volunteer positions.

Selected List of Other IEEE Volunteer Positions Held: 

  • Member, Transportation Electrification Community – DEIS Representative, 2022, 2023
  • Chair, Content Working Group of IEEE Industry Engagement Committee (a BoD level committee), 2021, 2022
  • Member, IEEE Diversity and Inclusion Committee, 2022
  • Member, IEEE – TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee, 2021, 2022
  • Chair, IEEE – PSPB Nominations and Appointment (N&A) Committee, 2020, 2021, 2022
  • IEEE Fellows Evaluation Committee Member 2021
    • IEEE Sensors Council, 2020, 2021, 2024
    • IEEE Photonics Society, 2020
    • IEEE Dielectric and Electrical Insulation Society, 2020, 2023,
    • Power and Energy Society, 2023, 2024
  • Chair – Publishing Conduct Committee, IEEE Publication Services and Products Board, 2018
  • Member – IEEE Periodicals Review and Advisory Committee (PRAC) 2016 – 2018
  • Vice President of Technical Operations, IEEE Sensors Council, 2013 – 2015
  • Member-at-Large, IEEE PSPB (Publication Services and Products Board), 2011 to 2016
  • Treasurer and Finance Chair, IEEE PSPB, 2012 – 2014
  • Member, IEEE TAB Strategic Planning Committee (SPC), 2013
  • Member, IEEE Finance Committee, 2012 – 2014
  • Member, IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) Finance Committee, 2011 – 2014
  • AdCom Member-at-Large, IEEE-Sensors Council 2013 – 2013
  • Member, IEEE Conferences Committee, 2011 – 2012
  • President, IEEE-DEIS 2009 – 2010
  • Vice President – Administrative, IEEE-DEIS 2007 – 2008
  • Member, IEEE-Pulsed Power Science and Technology Committee, 2000 – 2007
  • AdCom Member, IEEE-Sensors Council, DEIS Rep to Sensors Council, 2007 to 2010
  • General Chair of IEEE-Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, 2004
  • General Chair of 2002-IEEE-High Voltage Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, 2002
  • Vice-Chair & Treasurer, IEEE EIDP, 2004 and 2005
  • Chair, Executive Committee IEEE Power Modulator Conference, June 2005 to June 2014
  • Member, Awards Committee, (IPMHVC), 2022, 2024
  • Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE IPMHVC, Jackson Lake, WY, 2018
  • Chair, Technical Program Committee, IEEE Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference, held in Santa Fe, June 2014
  • Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE Conference on Dialectics and Electrical Insulation Phenomena, 2014 & 2015
  • Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE Plasma Science Conference, 2012
  • Lead Guest Editor of Power Modulators Special Issue (August 2017 Issue) of IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Feb 2016 – Sept 2017
  • Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2012 to 2017
  • Guest Editor of Power Modulators Special Issue (August 2009 Issue) of IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Dec 2007 to 2009
  • Guest Editor, IEEE-Transactions on Plasma Science, Power Modulators and Repetitive Pulsed Power Special Issue (August 2004 issue) June 2004-Nov. 2005

Guest Editor, IEEE-Transactions on Plasma Science, Pulsed Power Science and Technology Special Issue (October 2002 issue) June 2001-Nov. 2002

Position Statement

HKN is built on three pillars:  Scholarship, character, and attitude.  As a member of HKN, inducted by invitation of my students as a junior faculty member at Auburn University, I strongly value these principles.  While my activities within the HKN Board and its functional committees have prepared me for the position I am running for, most importantly, my vision for the success of a new generation of engineering and computing professionals has been rooted long before.  As an educator, it is very important to me that we graduate the best engineering and computing professionals of the future.  We make sure they also learn and understand professional development through internships and research or development projects.  We teach them not just how to design and create new technologies, but also allow them to consider the societal and economic impact of their inventions and technology and inspire them to be life-long learners.  IEEE and HKN have a big role in supporting all these and what these young professionals bring from their education into the workplace.

  • Scholarship and Academic Success: Being an educator and a researcher in engineering for the last 30+ years, has given me many opportunities to support students’ success and their professional development.  I value scholarship and believe without scholarship we cannot support and teach our students the new technologies and creativity in engineering.  It is my lifelong vision, since the beginning of my career, to support students to reach beyond their goals and be successful in their careers.  I continue to be the best resource for our students and young engineers to pursue scholarship and academic excellence.
  • Character and Leadership: I am an academic leader and a longtime volunteer of IEEE for the last 25+ years.  I believe today’s engineering students are the future technology creators and innovators.  As an educator, we prepare them to be the best they can be with strong character and leadership skills.  My leadership experiences and interactions with many individuals across the globe with different backgrounds, cultures, and skills align well with the core values of HKN.
  • Attitude and Willingness: I see myself as a mentor and a role model.  Being from an underrepresented population in engineering, I see that, as engineers we must continue to build on the attitude and willingness to represent the engineering profession well and value cultural, gender, socioeconomic, and racial diversity.  We must continue to value the profession and be willing to accept differences in society.  We must be an advocate for diverse thoughts, ideas, and approaches in achieving the common goals of the organization and supporting those around it.

Considering these fundamental principles, I plan to continue to support IEEE HKN’s principles and add value to its services and support of the students, alumni, and the profession as a whole.  I want to support and work toward HKN to be truly a global organization and bring cultural and technical diversity to the organization.  Should I be elected to serve as the HKN President-Elect, my goals would be to support HKN’s existing and future activities, contribute to the strategic goals that are aligned with the IEEE’s goals, support students, young professionals, and alumni and work toward increasing student engagement, not just while they are students but after graduation, by retaining them as professional members of IEEE through programs and services developed by IEEE HKN.

President-Elect: James A. Jefferies

Inducted: 1968 – Beta Psi Chapter

University of Nebraska


Jim Jefferies is a retired AT&T and Lucent Technologies executive who in 33 years rose from manufacturing engineer to vice president. He was responsible for teams that transferred glass technology from Bell Telephone Laboratories and developed fiber optic cables for AT&T. He also served as logistics vice president, responsible for worldwide supply chains, Quality Assurance, and export planning. He has led teams in major technology transfers, transitions of information technology, and organizational change. More recently, he teamed with fellow Stanford Business School graduates in an entrepreneur venture in San Francisco and served as Chief Operating Officer. . He was 2015 President of IEEE-USA supporting globalization of its policy initiatives and served as 2018 IEEE President and CEO.

He received his BSEE from the University of Nebraska and an MS in Engineering Science from Clarkson University and is a licensed professional engineer (Emeritus).  He attended the Stanford University Graduate School of Business as a Sloan Fellow earning an MS in Management.

Position Statement

Eta Kappa Nu is a unique organization with a long history of its own and more recently joined with that of IEEE. Designated as an honor society, it celebrates the connection and closing of the loop between initial scholarship and the world of a profession by recognizing both the academic achievement and elements of character, attitude, and leadership. Its designation as a lifetime commitment provides a special context for organization’s most strategic activities.

It is important to continue to grow the voice of IEEE-HKN, often known for what we are, but to be enriched and remembered for what we do. Providing resources to enhance chapter strength and promote visibility of activities that network members and the professional bases that theyrepresent should be a high priority. 

Chapter vitality is based on a combination of local activities, public visibility, and chapter networking connections. Increased visibility adds value to the words “member of HKN”. I know the positive feeling I felt whenever putting that on my resume.

HKN members often do not have a continuous connection to the organization and it is important to plan a strategy that focuses activities on the multiple important touch points. Some of those mentor or connection opportunities include student induction, service projects, individual professional career transitions, or alumni reconnection. Each of these interactions require a unique approach and outreach.

The student induction level is one early opportunity to share the professional message and have students personally experience activities that open the career window. The transition to a first or changing to a new jobs is a different opportunity to present mentor, internship and leadership messages. Outreach and contact to secure mid career professional members is another opportunity.  Late career members can share experience and would likely enjoy a revisit to their student and early career experiences.

Tailored messages can enhance the quality of interactions and grow the strength of engagement. With the integration into IEEE, HKN has an additional opportunity to participate in partnership with other operating units of IEEE and this special group can get advanced exposure to IEEE membership benefits in areas like Future Directions of technology, humanitarian activities, and awards.

High quality virtual and physical conferences that connect members to the profession and the understanding of technology in a context of history, impact, and ethics should also be a priority of IEEE-HKN.

As your President, I will focus on growing the visibility, engagement, and voice of IEEE-HKN, resource commitment to overall chapter health, improved tailored messages to the unique member touch point interactions, and expanded connection to broader IEEE Educational, Society, and career resources.  All with the goal of making HKN the premier honor society and expanding value to members and the profession.

Governor Regions 3-4: Sumit Chakravarty

Inducted: 2022 – Nu Epsilon Chapter

Kennesaw State University


I am thankful for this opportunity to write this letter to support my application for the Board of Governors Candidate position. The information provided will clarify my contributions to teaching, scholarship, and professional service in my current roles as an Associate professor of Electrical Engineering, HKN Member, and Chapter mentor.

Noteworthy Achievements in Teaching: I have developed and successfully taught over 15 innovative courses, including advanced courses such as EE 6750 – Wireless Mobile Networking, EE 6305 – Introduction to Radar Systems, and EE 6760 – Applied Communication Systems. These courses have been critically acclaimed for integrating foundational theories with the latest advancements in their respective fields. Additionally, I helped revise the graduate MSECE program curriculum, which significantly enhanced the educational offerings of our department. I have also been a guest lecturer at prestigious institutions globally. The activities above, mainly related to the curriculum and program building of the MSECE @ Kennesaw State, required long-term objective planning and decision-making together with relational and communicational skills, work ethics, and passion and dedication to the program.

Noteworthy Achievements in Scholarship: My scholarship is distinguished by my work in Signal Processing and Machine Learning applied to Communications, Biomedical, and Remote Sensing. I have authored more than 28 journal papers in high-impact journals, including the IEEE Internet of Things Journal and IEEE Access, and have presented extensively at peer-reviewed conferences. I have also secured notable funding, including a recent competitive grant of $150,000 as a Co-PI. The collaborative research includes working with diverse groups like peers across the globe and mentoring students to build a sustainable community of researchers for my lab.

Noteworthy Achievements in Professional Service: I am honored to have the opportunity to contribute to the profession and community successfully. I have held significant roles as vice chair of IEEE Comsoc in Atlanta, treasurer of IEEE RAS-Atlanta, and the Chapter mentor for Kennesaw State HKN and IEEE student chapter. My active participation in college and university committees, including serving as secretary to the University Faculty Senate and on the Graduate Program Curriculum Committee. Other organizational roles include Track/Session Chair, IEEE HONET 2022, Southeast Conference 2024, ICC 2024, EAI Ad Hoc Networks 2024, contributor for IEEE Standards for IoT and IEEE Standards for Cyber satellites, and reviewer for multiple journals. Other professional development roles include working with schools in Atlanta regions as event lead at the Science Olympiad and providing workshop talks for multiple venues like Karyashala @NIT, Rourkela, India in 2022/4, Southeast Con 2024, and TSU in 2024. I am able to dedicate time to professional service while balancing my personal time and workload, thanks to the support of my family, my colleagues, and my young peers.

Position Statement

If elected to the position, here are some of my potential plans and strategies and how I think they will support the future success of IEEE-HKN:

Strengthening Chapter Engagement and Revitalizing Inactive Chapters:
Plan: Establish regular virtual and in-person meetings with chapter leaders to discuss challenges, share best practices, and provide guidance. This includes encouraging minority and underrepresented students to consider joining HKN. I also look forward to identifying inactive chapters, working closely with them to understand their challenges, and providing tailored support to help them become active. Some aspects of this are currently in play; I would like to learn more and include the current elements.

Impact: Increased chapter engagement will lead to more active and vibrant chapters, fostering a stronger sense of community and engagement among members.

Membership Growth and Retention and Enhanced Experience:
Plan: Develop targeted recruitment campaigns for new members and implement retention programs for existing members, such as mentoring and professional development opportunities. I would also like to enhance the membership experience by organizing regional events to build a more visible and interconnected community. Leadership development opportunities through conferences and mentoring programs should also enhance the membership experience.

Impact: Sustained membership growth and retention will ensure a robust and dynamic organization, attracting high-quality members and maintaining a strong alumni network. By improving the membership experience and development opportunities, we will cultivate the next generation of leaders and ensure the long-term success of IEEE-HKN.

Enhancing Communication and Promoting Best Practices:
Plan: HKN has robust communication channels, such as newsletters and social media. I want to revisit the channels in conjunction with the chapters and identify tailored, optimal, user-preferred communication modes. An idea to promote collaboration would be to encourage collaborative projects between chapters, create a centralized repository of best practices and success stories from various chapters, and document their learnings.

Impact: Enhanced communication will facilitate better coordination and collaboration among members, alumni, and chapters. Sharing best practices will help chapters improve their operations and activities, leading to more successful and impactful events and initiatives.

Aligning with Other IEEE Organizations and Developing Regional Programs:
Plan: Collaborate with other IEEE organizational units (e.g., MGA Sections, TA Societies/Councils) to align activities and leverage resources for joint initiatives as well as organize regional meetings and conferences, including the Student Leadership and Industry Interaction Conference

Impact: Alignment with other IEEE organizations will create synergies, enhance resource sharing, and amplify the impact of IEEE-HKN’s activities. Regional programs and industry conferences will help members build valuable connections, gain new skills, and stay informed about the latest developments.

Governor Regions 3-4: Melody Richardson

Inducted: 2023 – Eta Chapter of the IEEE-HKN Board of Governors


Melody Elliott Richardson is a distinguished leader in the IEEE community, renowned for her dedication to education and outreach. She is the founder and coordinator of STEM on the MOVE, a segment of IEEE’s MOVE Community Outreach program. Melody has developed engaging educational materials, including a custom STEM adventure book for children aged 5-11, which has been shared with over 10,000 students globally.

Melody is also actively involved in university activities, where she collaborates with academic institutions to promote industry engagement and professional development for university students. Her efforts include mentoring university students, organizing workshops, and facilitating industry-academia partnerships. She is committed to equipping students with essential skills in networking, resume writing, and interview preparation, ensuring they are well-prepared for their professional careers.

Her innovative approach and commitment to inspiring young minds have made a significant impact on pre-university and university education. Melody’s contributions continue to shape the future of education and foster a love for learning in students worldwide.

Position Statement

As a passionate advocate for educational outreach, I believe that IEEE has an incredible opportunity to make a lasting impact on students’ lives and contribute to the advancement of humanity. My primary objective is to foster an environment that promotes academic excellence, personal growth, and professional development. I am dedicated to guiding students through their educational journey, ensuring they have the resources, support, and guidance necessary to achieve their goals.

I am committed to supporting students in achieving their academic and career aspirations by:

  • Connecting students with industry professionals, alumni, and networking opportunities to enhance their career prospects.
  • Offering guidance on career exploration, internships, and job search strategies.
    Serving as a mentor and advocate for students, providing support and resources for personal challenges and growth.
  • Supporting leadership development and encouraging students to pursue opportunities for personal enrichment.

Through these efforts, I aim to empower students to excel academically, grow personally, and succeed professionally.

Governor At-Large: Kathy Herring Hayashi

Inducted: 2017 – Eta Chapter of the IEEE-HKN Board of Governors


Kathy Hayashi has been involved in the semiconductor industry her entire career — developing, deploying, and analyzing advanced software tools used to create computer and mobile phone chips. She has led teams in semiconductor EDA software development for Unisys, Cadence Design Systems and Syntricity, a local startup. She is now at Qualcomm, working with semiconductor workflows in large-scale compute environments. She is currently the IEEE Director of Region 6 (Western Region of the United States) and a member of the IEEE Board of Directors. She is a senior member of IEEE and IEEE-HKN.

Kathy has supported the IEEE-HKN Student Leadership Summit for several years both as an individual and an industry sponsor. She has hosted IEEE-HKN alumni events with industry, been a judge at local university HKN hackathon events and always enjoys attending and congratulating new members at IEEE-HKN induction ceremonies. As a Region 6 Director, she has also worked to inform and engage the region members about the value and importance of IEEE-HKN.

Over the years, Kathy has won many awards including 2023 Qualcomm Global Above and Beyond Award recognizing philanthropy and community service to support society initiatives with impactful outcomes, 2021 Women of Influence in Engineering– San Diego Business Journal and 2019 IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Innovation Award for outstanding innovation and leadership.

Position Statement

As a candidate for the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Board of Governors, I am dedicated to enhancing member engagement and expanding the global presence, including forging and strengthening partnerships with academic institutions and industry leaders. By doing so, we will not only increase the visibility and influence of IEEE-HKN worldwide but also offer our members valuable opportunities to develop their leadership, technical, and professional skills.

It is crucial to uphold and promote IEEE-HKN values in all of our endeavors. This includes providing leadership and professional development opportunities and supporting those who aspire to be lifelong learners and mentors. I also look forward to increasing inclusivity and engagement in new areas. With the strength of IEEE and the talent of the amazing IEEE-HKN members, IEEE-HKN will continue to make meaningful impact to the technical communities they serve.

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I am eager to contribute to building an even stronger, more connected, and globally engaged IEEE-HKN community, empowering the next generation of leaders in technology.

Governor At-Large: Deepak Mathur

Inducted: 2019 – Eta Chapter of the IEEE-HKN Board of Governors


Deepak Mathur is IEEE Vice President-MGA and past R10 Director. He has also served in many leadership roles in IEEE at Section, Council, Region, MGA and IEEE. Deepak was IEEE India Council Chair in 2015-2016. Deepak, former Chief General Manager of ONGC (India’s premier public sector company engaged in exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons), has more than 37 years of professional experience in fields of electronics, telecommunication, IT infrastructure and has held various engineering and managerial positions. He has successfully done planning and executions of several IT projects like SCADA, on-line/real-time monitoring systems, IT Infrastructure creation, Wi-Max based broadband wireless access system, GPS/GSM based vehicle tracking system etc. and has led teams of IT professionals and multi-disciplinary teams. He has also experience of managing and working on Hi-Tech (Oil) Well Logging Systems which is to analyze the properties of subsurface to explore the possibility of hydrocarbons. Deepak has bachelor of engineering degree in Electronics and Communications from IIT, Roorkee and an MBA. He has also completed Advance Management Program from IIM, Calcutta. Deepak is recipient of prestigious IEEE Region 10 Outstanding Volunteer Award and IEEE MGA Achievement Award – “For his efforts in member development by engaging Region 10 members through enhanced Chapter activities”, India Council’s Life Time Achievement award for outstanding contributions for India Council. Deepak is also member of IEEE-HKN or Eta Kappa Nu (ΗΚΝ).

Significant Accomplishments:

  • As a VP, Deepak has 2024 focus areas to address member retention and progression of Students to Young Professionals.
  • Developing more volunteers strategically. He has redefined MGA Directors Forum and made it issue based, solution oriented with time bound actions. He has started online monthly meeting with Region Directors to enhance communication collaborative problem solving.
  • As R10 Director he had also developed Thrust Areas for R10: (1)Member Retention and Continuation of Students to Young Professionals; (2)Section-Chapter Collaborative Programs, Conference Quality and Industry Engagements; (3)Entrepreneurship and Career Advancement Programs.
  • Focus on educating volunteer leaders – through workshops on Conference leadership(with MCE), Good Governance(with MGA) and ‘IEEE digital compliance’ (with EEE Experience Design Team). Monthly webinar on trending topics for members. Collaborated with IEEE HAC and invited Humanitarian Projects on Covid-19 related topics focused on technological innovation – 26 projects completed.
  • Strategies: Identified major concerns of R10 and expectations from sections shared that with Section leadership. R10 committee collaborating with sections to address these.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Encouraging DI in R10. Implemented diversity in R10 EXCOM Committees/Subcommittees. R10 team is very diversified and has highest ever number of women volunteers in team along with one physically challenged volunteer.
  • Developing volunteer leaders: Provided volunteer engagement to 150+diversified group of volunteers at Region level with an objective to develop them as future leaders.
    Developed strategies/plans for sustainable growth of IEEE India Council (IC) of 11 sections (now 13 sections) catering to 50000+ members. Registered IC with Government, reviewed its bylaws, organized technical programs, inducted YP and WIE in Council EXCOM and promoted their activities at national level.
  • Made IC financially self-sustainable and put IC on growth path by identifying and developing volunteer leaders with effective succession planning. IC recognized efforts and awarded 2021 IC Life Time Achievement award for outstanding contributions for IEEE India Council.

Position Statement

I had been a member IEEE BoD in years 2021, 2022 (R10 Director) and currently serving as VP MGA (2024) and have served as chair of one of largest council (India). I have great exposure to Governance by serving in board and various important committees. I was actively involved in Region Realignment and participated in matters related to Governance extensively.

In my role as a member of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Board of Governors, I’ll work collaboratively with the other members of the board and staff to fulfill the mission and vision of IEEE-HKN. I’ll abide by the IEEE Code of Conduct and IEEE Code of Ethics. I’ll accept and carry out tasks and responsibilities assigned in a timely manner. Shall participate in the development of annual and strategic plans to support the mission of IEEE-HKN and shall assist in the operational planning.

Student Governor: Serena Canavero

Inducted: 2022 – Mu Nu Chapter

Politecnico Di Torino


Serena’s journey with IEEE-HKN Mu Nu Chapter began with her role as Head of the Communication Committee from 2022 to 2023. During this period, her engaging character and charismatic personality enabled her to revitalize the chapter’s brand identity and foster diplomatic exchanges with professionals and administrative offices. Her efforts elevated the chapter’s prestige on campus, attracting new members and increasing overall interest in the organization.

In 2023, Serena was elected President of the Mu Nu Chapter, where her visionary leadership and commitment to philanthropy brought about remarkable achievements. Serena’s leadership was instrumental in organizing the chapter’s first institutional open day, securing funding, and establishing an office to support the chapter and other student organizations.

Serena’s dedication to the chapter extended beyond campus boundaries. She spearheaded efforts to increase funding from the Polytechnic to support events and expanded collaborations with major European tech companies and startups, such as NXP Semiconductors. These partnerships provided members with valuable opportunities for internships, thesis projects, and career advancement.

Her initiatives also included launching a mentoring program that connected alumni with current engineering students, fostering a network of professionals committed to guiding the next generation of socially conscious engineers and leaders. Serena’s efforts culminated in proposing and taking part in the organization of the first international hackathon at the Student Leadership Conference (SLC), where she represented her chapter in Houston, Texas, in November 2023.

Serena’s academic achievements complement her leadership roles. She is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin, where she ranks in the top 1% of her class. Notably, she developed a VR exposure therapy application in collaboration with the Department of Psychology to aid patients with social anxiety phobia.

Serena also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Turin, graduating in the top 5% of her class. Her academic journey began at Liceo Classico Massimo D’Azeglio, where she excelled in classical studies, graduating with a final grade ranking in the top 3% of students.

She was selected on a merit basis as a teaching tutor at the Polytechnic of Turin, where she assisted students in the Computer Architecture course, helping them navigate laboratory sessions. She also worked as a private tutor, supporting high school students in Mathematics, Physics, Ancient Greek, Latin, and English.

Serena’s language skills include native proficiency in Italian, fluency in English (Cambridge English Certificate of Proficiency, Level C2), and basic knowledge of French and German.

Her honors and awards reflect her academic and extracurricular excellence. Serena has been an inducted member of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (Mu Nu Chapter) since December 2022 and is a member of IEEE-Young Professionals, IEEE-Women in Engineering, and IEEE-EMBS Biomedical Engineering. She achieved first place for Piedmont in the regional phase of the Olympics of Classical Languages and Civilizations, issued by the Italian Ministry of Education and Merit in March 2019. Additionally, she won the Meritorious High School Students Initiative by the Italian Physical Society (SIF) in 2019-2020.

Serena’s determination, thirst for knowledge, and self-discipline drive her to apply her engineering expertise for societal benefit. Her passion for leadership and her ability to build consensus are evident in her successful tenure at the Mu Nu Chapter.

Position Statement

My name is Serena Canavero, and throughout my years studying Computer Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin, one of the most demanding universities in Italy, my enthusiasm and vision have remained steadfast. My life goal is to help create a world where everyone’s voice is not only heard but also acted upon. This aspiration led me to engineering, a field still not commonly associated with women, as I was fascinated by the creative and collaborative nature of our profession. I am now concluding my Master’s studies and am about to start my thesis on AI applied to neuro-diseases to help heal from irreparable conditions.

Maintaining top grades throughout my academic career and earning several awards at an early age, such as being named a meritorious student by the School of Physics and winning the Piedmont Ancient Latin translation certamen in 2019, I have consistently demonstrated my interdisciplinary dedication. However, individual achievements pale in comparison to the growth and fulfillment I have found in being part of a team. Volunteering for HKN has shown me the authentic beauty of collective effort, and I am deeply committed to the vision of uniting young engineers and professionals across countries to continue the inspiring work of all those who believed in the potential of our society from the founders onward.

Being part of HKN is an honor I am proud of, a recognition of my hard work and character during my Bachelor years by a Professor who invited me to join this network of excellence and believed in me from the very start. I have served as Head of the Communication Committee of IEEE-HKN Mu Nu Chapter in 2023 and have had the honor of being elected President in 2024, thus experiencing first-hand the impact of dedicated leadership. A leader is a guardian of growth and cooperation who ensures that all voices are heard and fosters an environment where everyone can flourish. Alongside my incredible board colleagues, my Chapter’s active membership nearly doubled this year, enabling us to organize enriching events and initiate a mentoring cycle with our alumni, serving as proof of the power of unity and mutual inspiration. Moreover, we started a collaboration with our university department that led to the Chapter’s first institutional open day, secured funding for our events, and helped us secure an office on campus to support the Chapter and other student organizations.

Attending the Student Leadership Conference last year revealed to me how many students like me are eager to build a better world together. Why Student Governor? To go alone can lead to great results, but to go together is what is truly fulfilling. In a world that often feels torn apart and makes it harder for each of us to believe in our dreams, I want to say otherwise. This year, as President of a Chapter, I have seen how far we can go when we are wholeheartedly and jointly committed to our HKN purpose of fostering a global community of engineers and leaders working for the benefit of humanity, helping colleagues grow professionally and personally by inspiring them to express their full potential.

Where once I was a dreamer with no expertise, HKN has given me the opportunity to gain hands-on leadership experience. I feel ready and committed to represent you all, my fellow colleagues around the world, and grateful to be at the service of our organization. I would be honored to bring my expertise and passion to the international HKN endeavor aimed at uniting young philanthropic minds and inspirational professionals from all over the world. Thank you for considering my candidacy for the Board of Governors and for the time and attention you have given to my words.

Student Governor: Nathaniel Smith

Inducted: 2024 – Iota Kappa Chapter

Montana State University in Bozeman


I am a previous vice-chair of IEEE and the current president of HKN in the Iota Kappa chapter at Montana State University. It was a challenge to reactivate our chapter, but our team was able to bring in nearly 20 new inductees. The support of the department and IEEE section have made this possible and bods well for our future. I was able to attend the 2024 Rising Stars conference where I was able to meet one of my mentors, John McDonald, who I have been meeting with monthly since then. After Rising Stars I was able to volunteer at the IEEE booth at CES where I was able to meet many representatives of IEEE societies, like Caroline Johnson of the Signal Processing Society and Ann Townley. My experience with IEEE and HKN have helped progress my professional development. I hope to give back what I can to a great organization!

Position Statement

If elected I plan to learn as much as possible from the vast experience of current leaders. Coordinating communication and encouraging participation seem like key skills in this role. My experience leading organizations with initiative and a ‘can do’ attitude have proven my ability to bring people together. I would dedicate myself to the success of those I serve with. It would be an honor and privilege to serve on the Board of Governors.

Student Governor: Abigail C. Teron

Inducted: 2024 – Mu Gamma Chapter

Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico


As a candidate for the Board of Governors, I bring a wealth of experience and a steadfast commitment to advancing our IEEE-HKN’s mission. My journey with the IEEE has been marked by a deep dedication to membership development, global activities, and leadership across both technical and non-technical groups.

Throughout my tenure with IEEE, I have been actively involved in initiatives aimed at growing and nurturing our membership base. I have spearheaded various outreach programs and events designed to attract new members and retain existing ones. By understanding the needs and aspirations of our members, I have implemented strategies that enhance member engagement and satisfaction, ensuring that our organization remains a vibrant and dynamic community.

My involvement with IEEE extends beyond local and national boundaries. I have participated in numerous initiatives, collaborating with colleagues from different regions to promote IEEE’s mission worldwide. This global perspective has enriched my understanding of the diverse challenges and opportunities faced by our organization, and I am committed to fostering international collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Serving as an IEEE Section Chair has been one of the most rewarding roles of my career. In this capacity, I have led my section to achieve significant milestones, including organizing successful conferences, workshops, and technical sessions. My leadership has been characterized by a focus on inclusivity, innovation, and excellence, ensuring that our section remains at the forefront of IEEE activities.

My leadership experience spans both technical and non-technical groups. I have led technical teams, where I facilitated groundbreaking research and development initiatives. Simultaneously, I have chaired non-technical groups, focusing on areas such as professional development, educational outreach, and community service. This diverse leadership background equips me with a holistic understanding of the organization’s multifaceted nature.

As a candidate for the Board of Governors, I am committed to leveraging my experience and skills to further our organization’s goals. I believe in the power of strategic planning, effective governance, and robust stakeholder engagement. With a clear vision for the future and a deep sense of responsibility to our members, I am prepared to serve with dedication, integrity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the continued success and growth of our organization. Together, we can achieve great things and make a lasting impact on the global community.

Position Statement

As a candidate for the Board of Governors, I am dedicated to advancing IEEE-HKN’s mission and vision by utilizing my strengths in strategic planning, leadership, and communication.

I am committed to the importance of foresight and meticulous planning. My ability to develop and execute long-term strategies will ensure our organization is equipped to face future challenges and capitalize on opportunities. By aligning our actions with clear, actionable plans, we can fulfill our mission and maintain our impact over time.

Effective leadership and governance are essential for any successful organization. With my extensive experience in managing teams and projects, I am prepared to contribute to sound decision-making processes. I will emphasize accountability and transparency, ensuring that our organization operates with the highest standards of integrity and efficiency.

Engaging with our diverse membership is key to our success. I am committed to building strong, collaborative relationships with members, chapters, regions, and the broader community. Through clear and effective communication, I will work to build consensus, articulate our vision, and garner support for our initiatives.

In this role, I will be a dedicated advocate for our IEEE-HKN’s goals, working diligently to ensure we meet our current objectives and pave the way for a brighter future. I am committed to serving with integrity, dedication, and a deep sense of responsibility to all our chapters and members.

Student Governor: Logan M. Wilcox

Inducted: 2024 – Gamma Theta Chapter

Missouri University of Science and Technology


My name is Logan M. Wilcox, and I am a Ph.D. candidate in electrical engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) with an anticipated graduation date of May 2027. Additionally, I am also pursuing a graduate certificate in Explosives Engineering, with an anticipated completion date of May 2025. In May 2020, I received a B.S. in computer engineering from Missouri S&T and worked for 9 months as an associate engineer at Tech Electronics in St. Louis, MO. I was originally meant to commission into the U.S. Air Force, but COVID complicated the process and thus I ended up working at Tech Electronics and now at Missouri S&T pursing my Ph.D. An overview of my most recent work can be seen in the May 2024 issue of the BRIDGE in the graduate research spotlight section. I bring the following experience as a candidate for IEEE-HKN Student Governor:

  • Treasurer for the Gamma Theta chapter of IEEE-HKN
  • Graduate Student and Young Professional Member of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement (IEEE I&M) and IEEE Antennas and Propagation Societies (IEEE APS)
  • Student Member of American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
  • Member of the technical committee of Nondestructive Testing and Industrial Inspection (TC-01 NDE&II) within IMS
  • Executive Board member of multiple successful organizations:
    Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp) – President, V.P. of Risk Management, V.P. of Programming, House Manager
    Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) – Wing Commander, Recruitment, Squadron Commander

My professional involvement in recent years has been focused on societies with IEEE and mentoring within my local community. As mentioned above, I hold the treasurer position at Gamma Theta and this position allowed me the opportunity to ensure chapter success (financially) while also providing mentorship to other officers. At Gamma Theta, I have also participated and assisted in our department picnic, networking sessions, and other opportunities. At Missouri S&T, I also mentor my local SigEp chapter where I was previously the chapter counselor and am currently the chapter advisor. This position allows me to remain connected to the organization that significantly influenced my undergraduate career, while also steering the next generation in a healthy and successful direction. I give talks and lead discussions over time management, healthy coping mechanisms, and study habits. Additionally, during my volunteer endeavors within SigEp, I lead an initiative on recruiting younger (i.e., recently graduated) alumni to the alumni corps. I was tasked with this initiative as I had multiple instances of success recruiting recently graduate members to engage with local organizations within SigEp and AFROTC. Within SigEp, young alumni were brought in to share their experiences, job opportunities, life lessons after graduation, and more. Through these connections, SigEp saw an increase in internships and job opportunities as well as overall general preparedness for life after graduation. Within AFROTC, I oversaw the successful implementation of our networking program that allowed for up-and-coming officers to engage with individuals from the enlisted, officer, and contractor sides of the military.

Academically, I am an author of 14 conference proceedings or presentations (10 as first author) and 5 journal articles that are published, accepted, or under review (4 as first author). I have received the Kummer Innovation and Entrepreneurship Doctoral Fellowship, IEEE I&M Graduate Fellowship, and student travel grants from IEEE I&M and ASNT to attend their respective conferences. Additionally, I am reviewer for multiple technical journals (including IEEE Open Journal on Instrumentation and Measurement and IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society Letters).

Position Statement

My plans as a Student Governor of IEEE-HKN revolve around the idea of increasing engagement with recently-graduated members. From my experience within other organizations, the time right after graduation is one of the most important times to continue engagement. By engaging with these recent graduates (instead of waiting to reconnect so many years after graduation), there begins a foundation for future volunteers to events at the chapter level (i.e., guest speakers, career opportunities, etc.) and at the global organization level (i.e., SLC, short courses, etc.). This is significant as an organization, including IEEE-HKN, needs volunteers to sustain itself, whether this be at the Chapter or global organization level. This begins with emphasizing the importance of life after college within IEEE-HKN and what IEEE-HKN can offer professionally. Often, the time within the organization (while still a student) is seen as the primary purpose of the organization. This is particularly true when seeking career opportunities, leadership development, networking, etc. However, these skills (mentioned previously) need to be continually developed and become significantly more important as a young professional outside of higher education. To this end, this is a massive opportunity for IEEE-HKN and where my efforts would be focused. Specifically, there are three key objectives that I would contribute towards during my time as Student Governor:

  • Contributing to professional development programs (such as a telecom series)
  • Developing more structure for Young Professionals (YP) within IEEE-HKN
  • Enhancing methods to allow for Chapters to reach out to IEEE-HKN members in their area

IEEE-HKN has a large base of members, many of which become successful throughout their professional careers. I seek to utilize the experience and knowledge of these members to host an online series that focuses on professional development within the engineering profession. These sessions will then allow for not only members to gain first-hand knowledge from leaders in their respective areas, but also have access to continual development which is key for prolonged success. The second objective stems from the observed success of other YP groups (that are structured) in other IEEE societies I am a part of (specifically APS). A structured YP group will specifically allow for an organization intended for recent graduates to collaborate and communicate with one another within IEEE-HKN. Additionally, it will provide an avenue for, but not limited to, the following:

  • Practice their presentation and public speaking skills
  • Global networking opportunities
  • Professional discussions with similar aged individuals

Finally, I seek to increase the engagement of IEEE-HKN members with their local Chapters. In other words, I want to provide enhanced methods for Chapters so that they can further improve their relations with the community (i.e., surrounding businesses through these IEEE-HKN connections) and networking relationship, for career and professional development and opportunities.

Regarding the impact that these objectives will have on IEEE-HKN, I believe they will assist in moving our membership towards truly being lifelong members and students. As mentioned previously, the goal of these objectives is to reduce the opportunity for IEEE-HKN members to be “lost,” in a sense, and not be involved within IEEE-HKN. From my experience, this loss of involvement primarily occurs shortly after graduation and thus my proposals are to increase interaction with these recent graduates to keep them involved with IEEE-HKN by providing them with continual professional development and networking opportunities.

Voting: 1 October to 1 November

Chapter Presidents and Advisors of active Chapters are eligible to cast a ballot. Only a single ballot, per eligible Chapter, will be accepted.

Gather your Chapter members and watch the 2023 IEEE-HKN Candidates’ Forum. Hear position statements and decide who you would like to see as the future leaders of Eta Kappa Nu.

Please contact if you believe that you should have received this information and/or if you are unable to access the ballot.