UCSI University – Kuala Lumpur, Mu Alpha Chapter

On the 10th of January 2015, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) established the first Malaysian chapter of its student honor society, Eta Kappa Nu, at UCSI University. When the chapter was installed, Mu Alpha became the third IEEE – Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE – HKN) chapter in the Asia Pacific region as well as IEEE – HKN’s 232nd chapter. Twelve students from UCSI University’s Faculty of Engineering, Technology and Built Environment (FETBE) were inducted into the chapter.

Since its induction Mu Alpha has increased in member size and have conducted numerous high impact events in the community. Mu Alpha has consistently been recognized as a Key chapter for the past seven (7) consecutive years – to which we are grateful for.

Region 10: Asia and Pacific

Section: Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Malaysia)

Founding Date: December 21, 2014

Update Now

Last Update: 08/07/2024

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Mu Alpha is based out of UCSI University, which is located in the bustling Cheras District of Kuala Lumpur , the lively Capital City of Malaysia.

Chapter Photos

what chapter members are saying

Joining IEEE- HKN opened my eyes to the industry and how I can channel my passion for volunteerism with m integration into the industry and community

Ibrahim Izdhan

IEEE-HKN is the best platform for those want to strive for excellence in academic and professional

Asst. Prof. Dr. Lim Wei Hong

Joining Mu Alpha taught me that teamwork and group flexibility contributes to the successes of projects and collaborations, regarding the industry and academia

Beh Ken Hoe

IEEE-HKN has allowed me to be connected with different individuals allowing myself to both learn from from them as well as give back with my own knowledge in both technical as well as social. Moreover joining Mu Alpha has helped me cultivate a strong and positive attitude that will benefit the people around me.

Ng Tsu Yao

My experience in IEEE-HKN was most memorable, helping me hone not only technical skills such as EDA but also improve my abilities to manage projects and lead people.

Matthew Lim

IEEE-HKN Mu Alpha has allowed me to connect with numerous professionals, gain deeper insights into the engineering world, and provided opportunities to organize impactful events during my university life. The IEEE committee has also been fantastic, creating a supportive and relaxed environment that makes my involvement in club activities truly enjoyable. I love IEEE HKN!

Vicky Ng Xin Zi