San Jose State University, Epsilon Iota Chapter
The Epsilon Iota chapter was started in Spring 2015 for the express purpose of recognizing talent in one of Silicon Valleys top providers of Tech employees. With each succeeding semester we have grown in activities and support for our members. As of now HKN Epsilon Iota chapter has become intimately involved with the local IEEE, IEEE-CEPS, BMES, SCE, BMES-IDEA, TBP, and other engineering related clubs in order to better provide career opportunities and better knowledge of the industry. This is done through numerous info-sessions, recruitment events, and company campus tours we can enjoy due to our location in the Bay area.
We are also the chapter that hosted the first HKN Alumni association-Bay Area meeting in 2017. This first meeting, which established the local Alumni Association, was facilitated by former IEEE-USA President and HKN member Tom Coughlin. This meeting was where distinguished member Dennis Leittermen, a retired member of HP, became the Alumni-Association’s first Chairman. He was joined by HKN alumni Ariram, Varun, and Pranav as the other official officers of the group.
As of today our organization has grown to a size of 115 members with a small but increasing number of HKN Alumni coming from our chapter.