There is a one-time induction fee when you become an HKN member. The amount is set annually by the IEEE-HKN Board of Governors. When a student pays the one-time fee, it includes a one-year IEEE Student Membership. As a professional…
There are numerous reason for why that could be. Some of the most common are:
To be eligible for Key Chapter status, you must complete all of the CORE ESSENTIALS and at least 3 of the CHAPTER ENGAGEMENT and/or OUTREACH events.
Your IEEE Membership number can be obtained by signing into your Personal Profile on
The overall governance of IEEE-HKN is the responsibility of the Board of Governors, a volunteer organization of IEEE-HKN members that have prominent positions in academia and industry. The Board consists of a president, president-elect, past president, and treasurer, each of…
You have to use the Replacement Certificate form to purchase a replacement certificate.
Sponsors can buy ad space in The Bridge and soon we will be offering ad-space on our website as well. Sponsors can also purchase sponsorship for HKN conferences such as the Student Leadership Conference which takes place every year. Sponsors…
You can sign up and learn more about the Student Leadership Conference on our website by visiting the SLC Page.
You can pull a list of alumni at your university using the volunteer tool, OU Analytics, provided by IEEE. You must be an active IEEE member to be able to access this information. The level of your membership will determine…