Thank you for your interest in running for a position on the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Board of Governors.

Please respond to each of the following prompts. The information provided on this form will be forwarded to the Nominations and Appointments Committee for review. If accepted as a candidate for a Board postition, you will be notified, and the information you provide on this form will be posted on the IEEE-HKN website and emailed to Chapter leaders for the upcoming election.

Your phone number will not be included in the information provided to Chapters but may be used by IEEE-HKN to contact you concerning the election.

  • Selecting this option will include your email address on the HKN website for the duration of the upcoming election as well as in materials emailed to the chapters for their consideration.
  • Please provide a current high resolution image (in PNG or JPEG format) for display in the nomination and voting process. This image should measure 282 by 382 pixels. By providing a picture, you consent that IEEE-HKN may use it on our website and in our communications to our chapters related to the election.
    Accepted file types: png, jpg, Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Please provide a biographical statement inclusive of your IEEE and Eta Kappa Nu activities as well as your major accomplishments and qualifications for this position. This statement should be no longer than 750 words.
  • If elected to the position, what are your plans and how will they help support the future success of IEEE-HKN? This statement should be no longer than 750 words.